A corrected hardware error has occurred
A corrected hardware error has occurred

Re:DL380G7WHEA-loggerEventID:47Acorrectedhardwareerrorhasoccurred...IfyourWHEAerrorsindicateamemoryproblem,it'sprobablyabadmodule.The ...,PCworksfinebuttherearemultipleCPU-relatederrormessagesintheWindowseventlog.Errormessage:Ahardwareerrorhasocc...


2023年5月23日—Anyideasonhowtofixthis?TimetoRMA?Warningbelow:Acorrectedhardwareerrorhasoccurred.Component:PCIExpressRootPortErrorSource ...

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DL380G7 WHEA-logger Event ID

Re: DL380G7 WHEA-logger Event ID: 47 A corrected hardware error has occurred ... If your WHEA errors indicate a memory problem, it's probably a bad module. The ...

Tips to Fix Logs Saying a Hardware Error Has Been ...

PC works fine but there are multiple CPU-related error messages in the Windows event log. Error message: A hardware error has occurred that has been corrected.

WHEA warning A corrected hardware error has occurred

2023年8月28日 — I have been getting sporadic WHEA errors in my Windows System log: A corrected hardware error has occurred. A record describing the condition is ...


2018年2月1日 — The error occurs occasionaly in event log with no noteable system impact. BIOS contains Specte and Meltdown updates . Log Name: System Source: ...


2023年5月23日 — Any ideas on how to fix this? Time to RMA? Warning below: A corrected hardware error has occurred. Component: PCI Express Root Port Error Source ...

WHEA-Logger Event 19

2021年1月17日 — This error ONLY occurs when idle and after a length of time, roughly 20-30 mins, where a power cycle will occur. This doesn't happen while the ...

WHEA-Logger Event ID:17

2022年3月16日 — Hi,Since I upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 I start to see this warning message in Event Viewer. This message repeats it self at a high ...


Re:DL380G7WHEA-loggerEventID:47Acorrectedhardwareerrorhasoccurred...IfyourWHEAerrorsindicateamemoryproblem,it'sprobablyabadmodule.The ...,PCworksfinebuttherearemultipleCPU-relatederrormessagesintheWindowseventlog.Errormessage:Ahardwareerrorhasoccurredthathasbeencorrected.,2023年8月28日—IhavebeengettingsporadicWHEAerrorsinmyWindowsSystemlog:Acorrectedhardwareerrorhasoccurred.Arecorddescribingth...

CPU-Z 2.00 檢測 CPU資訊的小小工具

CPU-Z 2.00 檢測 CPU資訊的小小工具



